January 14, 2010


I'm sorry to have left you all hanging for such a long period of time. Really...I've missed you. Go ahead. You can ask me, "Where the heck have you been, Nicole?" Well, I have a legitimate excuse. Christmas break creeped up so fast, and before I knew it my family was here visiting me. Yes, my dear and wonderful family came all the way to Mexico to visit me for Christmas! How awesome is that?!! I also got to travel a few times to Poza Rica to visit Roberto's terrific family. And finally, you are never going to believe this, but my brand spanking new computer broke about 2 weeks ago. Boo hoo! I am writing this post from a library computer and hoping that my poor laptop gets fixed and returns soon. (I had to mail it to the U.S.) In the meantime, I am crossing my fingers that all goes well, and I will be back to blogging soon. I have lots of pictures to share with you and many stories to accompany them. So, thanks a million for hanging in there with me. By the way, I wish all of you a very happy Año Nuevo (New Year)! We'll talk soon.

Abrazos, Nicole
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