February 21, 2010

If Life Gives You Limes...


So as the saying goes, "If life gives you lemons, make lemonade." Well, here in Mexico I've tweaked that saying a bit. "If life gives you limes, make agua de limón (limeade)."

Lime Tree on the Patio

Well, life certainly handed me a bucketful of limes today. They were very "tart." But, you know what? Sugar always makes things better. Sugar comes in the form of friends who listen to you at 5:00 in the morning. Sugar can be a terrific mom who consoles you over the internet. Sugar is someone who gives you hugs and tells you that you are beautiful. Sugar can be advice from a wise and witty señora. Sugar is a friend who knows your favorite Mexican candy. Yes, there is lots of sugar to be had. And, I intend to make a serious batch of limeade with it.

Agua de Limon

So, thanks to all of you who sent sugar my way this weekend. You don't know what a difference it made :-) Really. And, if any of my readers want to send me some more sugar, it would be very much appreciated.

Agua de Limon

I leave you with a delicious limeade recipe. I really hope you enjoy it!

Abrazos, Nicole


Anonymous said...

Oh man this reminds me of the times when we made lemonade stands at the top of the driveway and anthony and chris would give us all a dollar and keep the rest for themselves and we didnt know, nor did we care since u could get a huge bag of candy down at the country store! lol good times.

Keep it real cole B dont let those n00bs pown you. 1337speak those stokis! GG GL and HAVE FUN!

(give me a beat)

Yeah, yeah, my names JB
im sippin on that limeade tea
wait its not tea im just Ging with you
like i gone and walked outside and stepped on some kanin poo
but i eat that sugar like dan, no wait thats a fluke
more like that junk food kid Luke_The_Puke

-JBzorz bringing down the house.

Anonymous said...

Thinking of you and sending so much sugar your way that your teeth are going to rot (haha). You sweeten all our lives every day. Thanks!

Mom and Dad said...

You've always had a way of making "limeade" out of any situation. You are the sweetener for all of us. Glad you have such good friends there. Enjoy their company. We miss you here!!!

Aunt Suzie said...

What is all this talk about limeade! I compare you to Sarris candy!!! Nothing else is sweeter! There will be lots of it waiting here for you when you get home. Remember where you came from Nicole and hold your head high because we are a proud family and you deserve nothing but love and respect!!!

Adam Mal said...

Love the post and the spirit behind it. Not much to provide, but one of my favorite quotes does seem applicable:

"The most exciting, challenging, and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself...and if you find someone to love the you you love, well, that's just fabulous."

Looking forward to making some limeade himself,

Anonymous said...

Hey Cousin,

I enjoyed your blog...you're a great writer. I know this is a challenging time for you, but please know that have so many friends and family that are here for you!

Brandon Slay, an Olympic Gold Medalist (Wrestling) from my hometown, once told me that you have to "find a way to turn stumbling blocks into stepping stones." I know you will do this...just keep up your optimistic outlook.

Take care!

-Dan G

Lillie said...

Hey Pretty Lady,

You are soo cute! I love your blog, the way you write, pictures all that... you're such a wonderful person and I am glad I got to spend part of my summer with you. If you ever what to come up north my two boys and I would love to see you... and my little bambino could use some spanish!! :)

Bethany said...

Hey Nicole,
Hang in there! I can only imagine what you are going through right now. So i found this quote online, maybe it will help.
“I’m going to smile and make you think I’m happy, I’m going to laugh, so you don’t see me cry, I’m going to let you go in style, and even if it kills me – I’m going to smile.”

I tried to send you an e-mail to your gmail account. Let me know if you got it.:)

Anonymous said...

Courage, determination, commitment, toughness, heart, talent, guts. That's what little girls are made of; the heck with sugar and spice. *Bethany Hamilton*

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