May 10, 2010

Relaxing at Tecolutla and a Visit to the Museo de Antropología Tecolutla

With time coming to an end here in Mexico, I am trying to pack in as much as possible. This past weekend, Roberto and I visited his family in Poza Rica and headed to the beach at Tecolutla. This small beach town located on the Gulf of Mexico is flanked by a river on one side and the ocean on the other. Due to this geographical orientation, there are many little inlets and mangroves in Tecolutla.

The beach was beautiful, clean, and family-friendly. There were few people on the beach and the water had this enchanting blue tint. Roberto and I rented a palapa (grass hut) and a hamaca (hammock) for the afternoon and enjoyed the beach breeze. Then we hit the waves for a little. The water was nice and warm and the tide was relatively calm.

Strike at Pose!

Back in the much more hectic DF, we stopped by the Museo de Antropología for an afternoon. Even though I have been to this museum three times, I still have not seen everything there is to see. This time we checked out the surrounding gardens that are located at the back of the museum, and we saw the giant statue of Tlaloc (rain god). Mysteriously, when they brought the statue of Tlaloc to Mexico City in the 1970s, it began to rain after a long drought period. How’s that for interesting?!

Lots to see at the Museo de Antropologia

We also saw the fourth original stone warrior from Tula, the original Aztec calendar that was found near the zócalo, the tomb and jewelry of the Mayan King Pakal, and many hand-embroidered shirts and dresses. If you have never visited the Museo, I suggest that you check out the Mayan section first. It contains a lot of neat artifacts and interesting information.

Click for more pictures!

Abrazos, Nicole


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