September 4, 2009

Welcome to my house~Bienvenidos a mi casa


So after living here for almost a week, I guess it’s time that I take you on a tour of my house. I will only be living here for one month because it is pretty lejos (far) from just about everything. I would love to stay because it’s gorgeous, but location trumps beauty.

2-Living Area

Okay…so now for the tour. This is the living area. There are three large couches, a fireplace, a desk, a giant dining room table that seats 12 and a huge china cabinet. Man…I need to make friends fast to fill up that table.


The kitchen is also quite large. It has a sink, microwave, refrigerator, stove/oven, and also another little table. It also has ample pantry space. Unfortunately, the oven is not working…which limits my baking, :-( (I have to inquire about that) and the stove was just fixed today :-) (However, you need matches to light it, which I don’t have right now.)


The bathroom is my least favorite part of the house mainly because the shower sucks—there’s no water pressure and up until yesterday I only had scalding hot water. Can you tell I’m a plumber’s daughter? In addition, like most places in Mexico, I am not allowed to flush toilet paper down the toilet because the plumbing can’t handle it. We must dispose of it in a waste basket next to the toilet. Blah.


There are 2 bedrooms, and I of course took the room with the bigger bed. I think it might be the biggest bed I’ve ever slept in, at three pillows wide. Yes…I measured the width of the bed in pillows :-)


What I do like about the house is that it is surrounded by beautiful gardens. Everything is flowering and the landscape is a lush shade of green. The streets surrounding the neighborhood are very steep. It’s not so bad walking downhill to the bus stop, but walking uphill from the bus stop is building some serious muscles in my legs.

7-Streets and Surroundings

I have wonderful neighbors. We all live in the same house, but it is divided into 4 different parts, each with a separate entrance. Yes…in case you were wondering this house is big enough to be divided into 4 different parts each with its own kitchen/bathroom/living area. It is hacienda-sized. Etienne and Adriana, the young married couple, live in the back wing of the house. Daniel, a student at UNAM, lives directly above me…he is the one who gets to enjoy the balcony. Luis and Laura, the owner’s uncle and aunt, live in the very far part of the house.


Well, I hope you enjoyed the grand tour. I’ll have to take you on another tour of my next house when I move at the end of September.

P.S. It is POURING outside. I have never seen it rain so hard or so much. Yesterday, I learned a new phrase in Spanish about the weather. “Los ángeles están llorando.” It literally means “The angels are crying”, which is Spanish equivalent to “It’s raining cats and dogs.”

Click for more pictures!


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