April 1, 2010

The Joys of Being at Home

Prismacolor Colored Pencils

Fantastic art supplies at my fingertips

A Working Oven

An oven with a temperature gauge that works and a mom that lets me use it

Moen Showerhead
A super duper shower that gets hot in 10 seconds, has amazing water pressure, and stays hot for the entire time I'm showering

The Pens

Watching the Pittsburgh Pens on TV

Yeah for Recycling
Recycling almost everything...plastic, cardboard, aluminum, etc.

Coffee-Tea Madness
Coffee-Tea Madness Nights with Dad, Mom, Chris, and Dan

My Bike!!!!
Riding my awesome bike

Peanut Butta
Big jars of Jif peanut butter

Brown Gold...I mean Sugar
Brown gold...I mean, sugar

H20, baby
Drinking water from the faucet

Shoes, Shoes, Shoes!
Shoes that come in my size, yes I take a 9.5
And a whole list of other things...Target, my family, the dryer, my friends, Borders, my bed, yummy home-cooked meals, understanding every word the cashier says at the checkout, skim milk, flushing toilet paper, long jeans, Burt's Bees chapstick...
Abrazos, Nicole


Adam Mal said...

They don't have long jeans in Mexico?
Target is surprisingly underrated.

Mom said...

Nothing like being away from home to make you appreciate so many things ~ but I'm sure you could make the same long list about Mexico. Miss you already. XOXOXOX

Bethany said...

Those shoes are sooo cute! I love them!

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